When are you delivering environmental training?
elivering environmental training at the right time is crucial for maximising its effectiveness and ensuring it aligns with your company goals.
Although any time is a good time and all employees should have an awareness of your Environmental Management System, there are key activities and touch points throughout your operations where specialist training can deliver the greatest impact and results to your business performance:
✔Employee Onboarding
This is your chance to set the scene within your organisation. It tells new starts that this is how we do business here. This early engagement is essential for their long term buy in.
✔Policy or Regulation Changes
When new environmental laws or regulations come into effect, your people need to understand how it will affect them and your compliance obligations.
✔Introduction of New Initiatives
This could include introducing the E-Reps role, the launch of your sustainability objectives or new approach to waste segregation.
✔Audit Results or Following Environmental Incidents
Environmental audits or incidents may identify weaknesses in your system. Corrective and preventative actions which include training could be identified to plug any gaps such as chemical management or spill response.
✔New Projects or Geographies
If your planning an expansion project, about to start decommissioning or moving in to a new marine area, your environmental risk profile will be changing. Not only could these changes increase the sensitivity of your operations, but you could be working within a new regulatory regime.
✔Changes in Stakeholder Expectations
We find this is a common driver when an operator changes out their principal contractors. When customers, investors, or partners demand greater environmental responsibility, training can help employees align with these expectations.
✔Global or Local Sustainability Events
Occasions such as Earth Day, World Environment Day, or corporate sustainability campaigns create additional environmental focus. Use this to deliver something new, something your workforce isn't expecting, through engaging awareness sessions and interactive training programmes.
The effectiveness of your training is about delivering the right content, to the right people at the right time.
How can we work together on a specific goal or program you’re planning to launch? We bring innovation, practical experience and the science of learning to everything we do.