How can we help E-Reps?

During our last bespoke course, we looked at how the operator could reinvigorate their E-Reps initiative.

As with most projects, the initial flurry of action loses momentum as 'day jobs' get in the way and communications between onshore and offshore, up and down the line, and between shifts has negative impacts on engagement.

From this session, we identified some opportunities for improvement which apply to all teams:

💡Set a fixed agenda for your reps meetings
You can't expect reps to turn up week after week with no clear plan. They want feedback, to celebrate success and hear progress on their ideas.

💡Consistency (is better than perfection)
With a fixed plan, we minimise the lack of consistency between shifts and OIMs, its a deal breaker and a lot of wasted effort otherwise.

How visible are your reps? Safety reps are always clearly identified during inductions and on noticeboards, have you done the same for E-Reps? Not only does this allow crew and visitors to recognise their role, but it also tells them that they are of equal standing.

E-Reps need time as well, they also have day jobs. A few hours a week can make a significant difference to what they can achieve. As above, it also aligns them with their safety counterparts.

💡Investigations and MOCs
E-Reps probably know more about environmental impacts than most others on site so ask them their opinions, have them them review eMOCs etc and take them along on investigations.

💡E-Reps Charter
This is the primary document to set out expectations for reps. How can people sign up to and commit to the role if they don't know what they're getting in to? 'Promote environmental awareness' is not enough, they need objectives, plans and targets, with support from nominated leaders.

An E-Rep has already chosen to be a leader when they volunteer for the role, but they cannot be effective without the support of the platform leadership team. And that means all shifts, at all times.

What have you found to be successfull❓


Why invest in E-Reps?


When are you delivering environmental training?