E-Reps: What Are You Waiting For?

Following the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010, the oil and gas industry around the world came to the realisation that they were not doing enough to engage the workforce on environmental issues.

Since then, the e-reps role has become firmly established in many industries, with various levels of success. What it always true, is that it sets the scene for more environmental conversations and a heightened level of environmental awareness.

I think we all agree its the RIGHT thing to do, and since we have made provision for safety reps since the introduction of HASAWA 1974, industry is well rehearsed in the use of, and benefit from, workforce representatives.

So why aren't we getting this right❓

➡️The biggest challenge e-reps face is not know what to actually do. This sounds basic, but it is the main blocker. If operators and site managers don't understand their objectives in appointing reps, then how can they provide meaningful activities to deliver this?

➡️Sadly, it remains a lip service in some organisations-a suggestion from a client or the regulator. If the objective and strategy isn't coming with the right intent, it is destined to fail. This is, in some part due to a lack of understanding of the problems e-reps can solve, and that as we all know, is the principle blocker in any 'sales' transaction.

➡️There is often a visible lack of day to day support and guidance. Who is responsible for e-reps? The site HSEA? The onshore environmental advisor? They've got their own day jobs.

➡️Without senior management buy-in, there is no incentive to get e-reps initiatives moving. I can never understand this as it is a win-win for everyone involved. Again, they may not understand the 'offer' and the benefits delivered. With the right management, the only outcome from a successful team of reps is improved environmental performance and who doesn't want that?

I have over 12 years of anecdotes, learnings and gathering of good practice from implementing these roles and listening to feedback in training. It is all available for reference and guidance within the E-Reps Network.

What are you waiting for❓

#erepsnetwork #workforceengagement #environmentalawareness #environmentalmanagement #environmentalrepresentatives


Cross Industry E-Reps


The White Noise of HSE